A Peek at the Floating Pool
With the Brooklyn Bridge Park’s floating pool set to open in less than ten days, we decided to pop in to see how things were going. The pool itself looks like it’s ready to be filled up. The poolside area and the complex housing the changing rooms and snack bar (the design of which looks…

With the Brooklyn Bridge Park’s floating pool set to open in less than ten days, we decided to pop in to see how things were going. The pool itself looks like it’s ready to be filled up. The poolside area and the complex housing the changing rooms and snack bar (the design of which looks quite nice) still have a ways to go. The sand for the parking lot “beaches” is in place. Now all they need are the volleyball nets. Our only concern about the pool is that it will be so much nicer than any other option that it will be too packed to enjoy. Anyone know if there going to be limits to the number of people allowed in?
I like project kids. I like yuppies and pools. I like Bumquishia. huh.
I have been looking foward to going to the Red Hook pool all week.I sure do hope that the real undesireables stay far away (like Eastern Athletic ) . I like it when my family are the only blonds it makes it soo much easier to find them
Red Hook is a great pool. And large enough for lap swimming.
There are great city pools all over NYC – Thompskinville in SI is great and we used to swim in City swim meets when we were kids in all the pools – I remember one in Queens which had an amazing pool which regularly held city champ meets. Parks has a bunch of good indoor pools and free too, more than you can say for the pathetic gym pools. I think the 50 meter pool at Asphalt green on 90th and York is a city pool too. These are for neighborhoods and for kids and for adults too. We enjoyed some great athletics in city pools – city swim championships. Project kids….give me a break – sometimes the racist crap here makes me nausous. Last time I checked out Asphalt Green, they had a dynamite lap (and Masters program – competition for adults). So I would imagine they would at least have lap swimming.
I ain’t going to be there if Bumqushia is there.
Um a project queen wit tin project kids. No baby daddies tho cuz dey all in Rikers. Me and my crumbsnatcher will be dere. Early too. cuz I don work an can git up and git dere wile you at work! You Jive turkey!
Brooklyn College tore down its pool and is building a new one, which will allegedly be publicly accessible (for a fee).
I was under the impression that the pool will be moved to the end of Joralemon, making the “beach” accessible from the pool. It just needs to be floated a pier or so south.
I was wondering if anyone could direct me to anything on the web announcing community access to Brooklyn College facilities, including the pool and gym. Thanks.