Is Brooklyn better? Has Manhattan gotten worse? These are the questions posed by The Awl when it revisited New York Magazine’s infamous “I Hate Brooklyn” article from seven years ago with a question-and-answer interview with its author, writer and Vogue Contributing Editor Jonathan Van Meter. Meter explains that his antipathy toward Brooklyn was born out of his working-class Philadelphia upbringing. For Van Meter, moving to Brooklyn would be like moving back home. Now, he admits, Brooklyn has improved and Manhattan has devolved. But he’s still not moving to Brooklyn. His solution: A weekend home in Woodstock, N.Y. For our part, we are beginning to wonder if Brooklyn might be in danger of becoming too much like Manhattan in some aspects. What’s your take?
Revisiting New York Mag’s “I Hate Brooklyn” Article Seven Years Later [The Awl]
Photo by josullivan.59

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  1. When I moved to the Upper West Side (1978) it was funky and fascinating and exciting. When we traded our apt for a brownstone in PLG (7 yrs ago) the UWS was Barney’s and Victoria’s Secret. So far, we feel safe from luxury businesses and allthat comes with it. But Dumbo and Williamsburg and Park Slope are certainly on the cusp.