400-1108.jpg Though 76 percent of you said you thought it was okay for Mayor Mike to nix the $400 property tax rebate in light of the current financial situation, you homeowners might be getting a check after all. The NY Times reported that Mayor Bloomberg does not actually have the power to cancel the rebate. “Any elimination of the popular rebates requires City Council approval, the budget director, Mark Page, acknowledged. And council members, who have been flooded with calls from angry residents looking for their checks, declared the mayor’s idea to cut them ‘dead on arrival.'” Turns out the Mayor can’t impose that six-cent “fee” on plastic bags, either; he’d hoped by calling it that instead of a tax he could bypass the Council once again, but no go. We’ve heard from readers that many would be willing to forgo the check and abide the plastic bag fee in these trying financial times, but already Councilmember Vincent Gentile has filed a lawsuit lawsuit “to compel the Department of Finance to make good on the City’s promise of $400 rebate checks to homeowners.”
Your $400 Check Might Be in the Mail Soon [NY Times]

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  1. i’m in a better mood now. i cant even blame my crankypants mood on waking up out of the wrong side of the bed! but seriously tho, yeah some people are going to want their 400 dollars and some people will think that 400 dollars is best left for others to spend. personally if i was a homeowner id want that 400 dollars to spend myself and not that 400 dollars buying an ipod to someone on public assistance. (fyi i am SO for public assistance) but my mind boggles when i see people in public housing and on assistance with 400 dollar gadgets that i can’t afford. and it’s very VERY impervious (is that a word?). i’ve YET to see one project dweller without an expensive ipod, phone, or wardrobe. what gives? so im on both sides of the fence these days…


  2. pitbull – there isn’t necessarily a tax benefit to being married if there is a big income disparity between the two people. Its called the marriage penalty, and in those cases the lower income earnings end up getting taxed at a higher marginal rate than they would otherwise.

    btw its harness. Its got nothing to do with asses.

  3. disagree has the right idea for all the blogging altruists out here…if nyc can tell me exactly where my $400 is going, they can keep it. if not, hand it over and i’ll decide where it goes.

  4. more desireable in which way? highly popular rented areas are always more fun, have more places to go, more interesting people. the second people start buying into it, it gets bland and dull and diluted of any kind of fun and culture. so what exactly DO you mean by “desirable?”


  5. all of us who are doing okay should donate our $400 to a worthy brooklyn organization whose funds are being cut. schools, legal aid, elderly services? anyone have a good candidate? who’s with me?

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