fedders-cooper-street-072315 - 1

A lot of virtual ink has been spilled on Brownstoner about Fedders buildings, those no-frills structures with the air conditioning units built in under the windows. The brand name of the a/c maker is highly visible, and often it’s “Fedders” — hence the term.

But this is the first time we can recall seeing this interesting question about Fedders on the Forum. A reader writes:

I’m the proud owner of a recently purchased “Fedders building,” and would like to do what I can to make the exterior less generic and unappealing. Along these lines, I’m wondering if anyone has had experience removing and replacing Fedders a/c cutouts, and if so, what they used to fill the resulting voids. The obvious route would be to just install brick, but I’d like to attempt something more creative, if it’s practical. Would windows look weird? Any other thoughts? Thanks!

Anyone have any cool ideas? Please help out our reader on the Forum.

Have answers? Need help with something? Visit the Brownstoner Forum.

Photo by Christopher Bride for PropertyShark


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  1. Hire a 20-something Bushwick muralist for $10k to do whatever they want to the facade as long as it doesn’t have nudity.
    Plant a tree in front of the building and in 20 years nobody will see the facade anyway.