Building of the Day: 49 Prospect Park West
Address: 49 Prospect Park West, between 1st and 2nd Street Name: Originally the Henry Hulbert Mansion, now Poly Prep Lower School Neighborhood: Park Slope Year Built: 1889 Architectural Style: Romanesque Revival Architect: Montrose W. Morris, new addition by Platt Byard Dovell White (2005) Landmarked: Yes, Park Slope Historic District Why chosen: The first time I…

Address: 49 Prospect Park West, between 1st and 2nd Street
Name: Originally the Henry Hulbert Mansion, now Poly Prep Lower School
Neighborhood: Park Slope
Year Built: 1889
Architectural Style: Romanesque Revival
Architect: Montrose W. Morris, new addition by Platt Byard Dovell White (2005)
Landmarked: Yes, Park Slope Historic District
Why chosen: The first time I saw this house, I admit, I gawped at it like a tourist at the Vatican, it is some house. Much has been written about it, good and bad, but the sheer mass of the place is impressive. It’s actually two houses, the right side, where all of the really impressive stuff is, belonged to financier Henry Hulbert, and the smaller left side was the home of his daughter, Susie, and her husband, Joseph Sutphin, a partner in H. C. Hulbert & Co. This house was Montrose Morris’ largest private house to date, and was commissioned when he was at the height of his Romanesque Revival period, and was busting out as one of only several go-to Brooklyn architects of the uber-rich. While this house was going up, he was also building the Alhambra Apartments, as well as the row houses on Hancock Street on his home block. The house was almost alone here on PPW, which was called 9th Avenue, back then, and it must have looked like a gleaming chateau on the edge of the park. Almost all Romanesque Revival buildings are built in dark brick and brownstone, like the fabulous CPH Gilbert, Adams House, on 8th and Carroll, this house’s only real stylistic rival in the Slope. Morris chose limestone for the Hulbert House facade, pre-dating the White Cities trend by several years. The result is that the details and the texture stand out here, even more than they would in brown: the rough cut ashlar blocks of stone, contrasted by the delicate Byzantine leaf carving, the round and faceted turrets, the bold archways, and the massing of chimneys. Also present are classic Montrose Morris details: the columned loggias, the liberal use of stained glass and wrought iron, and a love of carved detail. Note the dragons curled above the dormers, and in the corners, and the writhing foliage around the face of the Green Men on the front facade.
Inside, the house was furnished with all of the appropriately impressive wood details, grand parlors, fireplaces, state of the art bathrooms, and a billiard room with an upper story gallery. When the various schools that have been in this house for years took over, much of the interior detail was lost, but what is still here is still very impressive. This house was a huge success for Morris, who would go on to design several other large Romanesque Revival mansions in Park Slope, for other millionaires, but this is the only one in that particular style that survives. His later works, in a more Classical Renaissance Revival mode, are also in the neighborhood, most also on Prospect Park West. A modern addition was added to the school in 2005, designed by Platt Byard Dovell White. As the AIA Guide says, it has a lot of respect for the building it is attached to.
Dear Brownstoner:
Thanks for your very informative post about our Lower School and the history and architecture of the landmarked Hulbert mansions which partially house it.
Your readers might also be interested to know that Poly retained all the interior detailing still extant after we acquired the building in 1995. In addition, our renovation of and addition to the building—designed by Platt Byard Dovell White—won a 2008 Lucy R. Moses Award from the New York Landmarks Conservancy.
The renovated building was also built with greening and a reduced carbon footprint in mind. It was the first LEEDâ€Certified school building in New York City, and the first LEEDâ€Certified primary school building in New York State.
Poly Prep Country Day School
This is great building that really stands out on a stroll down Prospect Park West…thanks for sharing its history.
Thank you, MM. One of my absolute favorite architectural styles. If you love this house and ever have the chance, take a stroll up Summit Avenue in St. Paul, Minnesota and gawk at the old railroad baron mansions.
Wonderful building and post, MM.
LOL! Minard
I visited the school once during the day. Teachers were really speaking with children one on one. If only my parents had been able to send me to a school like this I could have amounted to something.
Rob –
They waited for your valuable opinion but you werent around to decide its use. Knowing that you dont have a real job and will never make enough money to own anything in NY besides a reputation for being igonorant, please STFU.
Once again, please refrain from posting on this blog. I am sure there are other blogs you can comment on about your sexual fantasies and need for bodegas for cheap booze and cigarettes.
thank you.
i LOVE that building, it’s a total shame it’s wasted for a prep school and not something cool like a year round haunted halloween house or a gothic sex club! (im not into sex clubs, but that building would make a great one!!)