This video footage, which captures some less-than-pleasant living conditions at Flatbush Gardens, prompted the Real Deal to look into violations currently at the housing development. And with 400 violations in the last month and a half, that pushes the total up to 8,100. The violations “run the gamut,” says the spokesperson for the Department of Housing. A request for re-inspection of the development has not yet been scheduled.

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  1. I had a friend that lived there in Vanderveer back the 80’s, her apartment was nice, decent room size and layout, (from what I can remember), because obviously she and her husband had taken care of it.

    But, the elevators smelled like piss. the hallways were dirty. The grounds were not kept to well, and there were sketchy peeps around….

    They then moved, due to the husbands job relocation…………..

  2. yeah i always see advertisments for this place. they try to make it seem like a low rent stuy town, but really most of the original people who lived there, still live there. which isnt a bad thing, but they aimed way too high to attract young professionals (not that they are any better than project dwellars tho)


  3. Until some owner pulls off the Herculean task of cleaning this place up, and it certainly will not be the Bistricer’s, it will remain Vanderveer Estates to all who knew it when. “A rose by any other name….”

    Although these were not constructed as public housing, many of the tenants in Vanderveer have (for lack of a better description) a “project mentality” that make rehabilitation a daunting task.

  4. Vanderveer Estates was never public housing, in the sense of the PJs – just a slummy complex that looked and acted like one. When it was built, it was home to many working-class families, including Barbra Streisand’s, but went way downhill after that.

  5. But I thought living in a shitty neighborhood, for waaay too much money, in converted public housing was supposed to be awesome!?