A reader sent over this video of the McDonald’s on Tillary being demolished this morning. He says, “Highlights include freon exploding into the atmosphere when they back-hoed through the rooftop A/C units, and the entire crew spending a good twenty minutes using the backhoe to try to smash open the cashbox on the payphone. Unsuccessfully.” Good times in Downtown Brooklyn.
Sticks and Stones at Tillary McD’s [Brownstoner]
Tillary McD’s Gets Full Plywood Treatment [Brownstoner]
Prepping for McDonald’s Demolition [Brownstoner] GMAP


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  1. aren’t they supposed to be spraying down the debris as they’re demolishing to reduce the toxic clouds of dust? i wouldn’t want to be breathing that stuff.

  2. “the entire crew spending a good twenty minutes using the backhoe to try to smash open the cashbox on the payphone. Unsuccessfully.”

    Clearly, non-union labor.