Open Thread

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  1. Denton;

    Are you saying that a name of French origin cannot be All-American? Hmmmm, who is reading too much into my statement??


  2. CMU;

    Well, I see that my post did not meet your approval. Oh well.

    Just in case you get a chance to look at this thread again, I’ll restate: Blanche Lincoln is a classy, intelligent lady with an All-American name and classic looks.

    BTW, she’s a democrat.

  3. Coincidence that Dave walks back into the OT Offices just in time for cocktails and Raunch Hour? I think not.

    (Have a good dinner, dave.)

    DAVE! Wait! Is it still raining???

  4. Ah, well, that’s too bad. ‘Cause we got plenty of hay, and it’s renewable!

    Raunch Hour seems to be more like Recovery Hour lately.

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