housePark Slope
52 Berkeley Place
Brooklyn Properties
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

490 East 24th Street
Sat 2-4, Sun 2-4
GMAP P*Shark

houseSunset Park
515 45th Street
Century 21
Sunday 12:30-2
GMAP P*Shark

houseBedford Stuyvesant
696 Halsey Street
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. That particular block of Berkeley is not great compared to surrounding blocks. The school and park occupy most of the north side, are extremely noisy, and the block is generally unkempt and ugly (again – relatively, for Park Slope).

  2. with attitudes like yours 1:26, i can see exactly why no one would want to be your neighbor.

    we aren’t “hip” to bed stuy? you sound as if that’s the only nice neighborhood around.

    and nice is CERTAINLY in the eye of the beholder when it comes to your hood.

    it’s by no means for everyone.

    and if i were looking for a cheaper destination, i’d look in about 5 other hoods before i looked at bed stuy. namely sunset park, plg, prospect heights, crown heights and ditmas to name a few.

  3. I guess the lack of comments means Brownstoner fans are not as hip to Bed-Stuy as they should be. I stopped by the open house, it’s in great shape with a reasonable price (even here people have started asking over a million for places that are dumps). I’m not looking seriously but I think someone who is OK with the idea of living in Bed-Stuy will snap this up. The trolls that the 4:05 AM night owl referred to can just stay crammed in their one-bedrooms elsewhere and forget about owning a brownstone — we don’t want them here anyway.

  4. Probably no comments about the Bed-Stuy house this week because (A) it’s a bit far east, not prime Bed-Stuy; (B) everyone’s wary of giving the race-baiting, fear-mongering trolls an excuse to start the usual flame war (e.g. “You couldn’t pay me to live in Bed-Stuy,” “better bring your uzi” – real intelligent crap like that).

  5. you can’t force people to talk about something they don’t feel inspired to. if people wanted to talk about the bed stuy house, i think they would.

    perhaps people are more interested in the other homes this week.

  6. you just mentioned another good point though about why brooklyn, and new york city real estate is seeming to fair well as compared to other places in the country. people like to knock them, but nyc real estate is mostly comprised of co-op apartments, whereby someone who doesn’t have a small nestegg for an unforeseen illness or no money in the bank would be next to impossible to have been accepted. while this might make things hard for some, it does beg the question of why so many people seem to still be doing ok (and i think will continue to do ok) in nyc.

    while i don’t have a ton of money, i wouldn’t have dreamed about buying an apt. if i hadn’t had at least 6 months-1 year worth of salary saved up in the bank. it was just too scary, otherwise.

  7. People sleeping in vans have at least some social programs to take care of them. Those who might own a home but are one paycheck away from losing it, or who might have health insurance but it wouldn’t cover catastrophic illness (which would thus bring on bankruptcy) are the ones really in trouble. Unfortunately, if they live in Middle America or the South they keep on voting for the very people who are keeping them down. Go figure. You can’t even reason with them – Democratic candidates eloquently pointed out the economic considerations these voters should be voting on, but they vote on two issues only, gay marriage and abortion. At some point frankly I almost lose sympathy for the schmucks. Look at who these people voted into the White House. Twice. Whoa, this is getting way OT! Everybody enjoy the open houses today.

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