According to Brooklyn Heights Blog, the Brooklyn Eagle reported yesterday that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are preparing to sell the 80,000-square-foot Columbia Heights building known as the Standish Arms Hotel. For the last two decades, the Watchtower group has used the limestone and brick structure to house its flock. The decision is reportedly part of a larger reorganization of the property-rich organization’s holdings. All we know is these will be some expensive apartments when a developer’s done with them. How do neighbors feel about the impending change in ownership?
Watchtower to Sell Standish Arms [Brooklyn Heights Blog] GMAP

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  1. I am a witness who served at the headquarters back in 2001 and 2002. I loved the area and more importantly, I loved the reason why I was there. There have been some truthful comments above, and mostly false. I like the instruction about asking a JW if you have a question, that’s the best way! As someone already mentioned, we do not tithe. There is an arrangement for voluntary donations, but no one is pressured and all donations are anonymous. We do not benefit financially from the items printed, it is purposed for bible education, and there is no charge for the bibles and literature. The reason for the selling of all of these housing developments was already commented on. We have an upstate facility that had been doing much of the printing, and now it handles all printing for the US branch. Thus there is not near as much of a need for housing in the Heights. All funds will be used to further the ministry. If you do not believe that, well I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But feel free to look for “prominent” members of the headquarters taking the lead in the activities, the truth is you would not be able to distinguish them. They are not wealthy, but are also unpaid volunteers. As far as the “cult” accusation, of course as I mentioned, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I have been involved for over 2 decades with the Organization, and have never felt like I was pressured to be here, it is my own choice. I have examined other religions extensively using the Bible, and this is the one that rings true to me. All activities of JW’s including: the Ministry, their meetings, conventions, assemblies, are all public activities, and anyone is welcome. It is not a dark secret thing that charictorizes cults.Most postings on the internet about JW’s are from disgruntled former members that were not “kicked out” but who chose to leave. Therefore, any information from those sources will be obviously biased. If someone really wants to know what JW’s believe, the official website is Everyone can believe what they would like to believe, but Witnesses are taught to love others, and I am a better person since I became one.Thanks for listening, please remember to ask a JW if you want to know.

  2. some of you need to know more about jehovah’s witnesses before you start making statements you dont know. all places used for a religious purpose is tax free, that is a fact. since the witnesses have been in the neighborhood they have had in raising the property value in brooklyn heights. they took over those buildings when no one wanted to do the work in fixing them up and it is only after they did the work that the neighbors wanted it back. so please do your research before you make statements like that because you only make yourself looks bad.

  3. More have died from their Watchtower spiritual and medical quackery than Jim Jones and David Koresh cults combined!
    Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs:

    A) They are at your door to recruit you for enslavement to their watchtower corporation,they will say that “we are just here to share a message from the Bible” this is deception right off.

    B) Their ‘message’ is a false Gospel that Jesus had his second coming in 1914.The problem with this is it’s not just a cute fairy tale,Jesus warned of the false prophets who would claim “..look he is here in the wilderness,or see here he is at the temple…”

    C) Their anti-blood transfusion ban has killed hundreds if not thousands

    D) once they recruit you they will “love bomb” you in cult fashion to also recruit your family & friends or cut them off. There are many more dangers,Jehovah’s Witnesses got a bad rap for good and valid reasons.

    99% of the world has rejected the teachings of the Watchtower Jehovah’s Witnesses, the darker truth is they are a destructive and oppressive organization.
    Mind control is a terrible thing.

    Danny Haszard Jehovah’s Witness X 33 years

  4. As an ex-“Bethelite” as Jehovah’s Witnesses who serve for free as workers in these Heights buildings, I want to clear up some things. Witnesses are NOT tithed. They are expeceted to contribute from their income to the organization. They CAN drink alcohol in moderation. The door to door work is volunteer and all of the literature is given away for free. The JW’s who distribute it have to contribute the value of what they distribute back to the organization. The Watchtower society bought most of these buildings dating back to the late 19th century up to the 70’s when real estate was not exacty expensive compared to today. Yes, the organization is “loaded” but that money comes from the thousands of brain washed, cult-following families who have been duped into believing all that nonsense about the end of the world. The society is selling these buildings because it can use that money to send out the flock to trick more people into becoming members.

  5. Contrary to popular belief Witnesses do drink alcohol, and most of the residents/workers at the headquarters drink quite heavily.
    Most of the workers are single men, but the couples that are there will be asked to leave if they have a child.
    The tunnels do exist, but were not intended for safe haven during armageddon. Just for easy access between buildings.
    The headquarters recently settled a major class action suit by victims of child abuse, and the sale of these buildings is likely related.
    -Matt raised as Witness/no longer one

  6. i’ve lived in the heights all my life and talked to many witness about, women being raped, husbands and wives sleeping around, tricking young women into membership and then gang raping them. I’ve seem them drinking in bars till drunk. These people control their members by making them loose jobs, slandering all kinds of dirty things i’m just guessing but legal troubles or lawsuits could be part of the cause.

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