Vigilante visited for our annual boiler maintenance today (nat. gas boiler). They said we need a chemical cleaning which will cost $500+ today, or $700+ if they have to come back another time(I said come back). Any opinions on the necessity of this and what a reasonable price is?

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  1. Many years ago, Vigilante used to do all the work in our building. They used to be a wonderful company, but that description no longer seems apt. We also use natural gas, and do run a cleanser through our system annually. The recommendation might be worth heeding; the demand to do it now or pay more for another visit…not so much. Scuttlebutt suggests their employees are paid commissions on a per job, per visit basis. Leave it to you to figure out where the $200 escalation applies.

  2. Oh Vigilante. How totally unlike them, to show up and say you better decide fast or it will cost you even more money. SODECIDERIGHTNOWTOGIVEUSMONEYORELSE…