When the “Leased” sign went up in the window of 117 Court Street last fall, there was great speculation on this site and others about the identity of the tenant. We reported that Massey Knakal broker Tim King dropped a hint at the November session of the Brooklyn Real Estate Roundtable that the tenant was “a company that’s been in the food production biz for the last hundred years.” Some of the names readers threw into the ring included Balducci’s, Sahadi’s, Russ & Daughters, none of which, it turns out is right. To find the correct answer, you have to go to a follow-up thread on Chowhound in which one reader speculates that it could be Boar’s Head. Evidently, the cold-cuts giant already has a kiosk at the JetBlue Terminal at JFK and has had plans in the works to establish a beach head in Brooklyn. According to a well-placed source, this is indeed the location. Chicken roll, anyone?
Which Foodie Is Coming to Court and State? [Brownstoner] GMAP
Downtown Rental Developments: Is Two a Trend? [Brownstoner]

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  1. I happen to know for a fact that Boar’s Head Provisions, Inc. screws over any distributor of their product that is making too much money. All the distributers that have been screwed over by Boar’s Head should get a Class Action Suit against them. They are the Mafia of the deli meat business. They also treat their female employees horribly. They are one of the largest buyers of MSG and DO put that ingredient into their meats. That’s why Dietz & Watson makes it a point to let people know that they don’t use MSG in their products. I’d like to see Boar’s Head say that. So if you think their product is so healthy, think again! I won’t buy their product now that I know what they are like. Even one of the owner’s sons works for a competitor – what does that tell you?! They are crooks.

  2. So this is to be a deli — and there is a “Busy Chef” (of none too popular Heights origin) in the same block? Who is this for? The downtown office workers are not walking over there for a sandwich! This is all for the movie crowds? Those of us who live near shop at Staubitz, Sahadi etc.

  3. Excuse me, but Boars Head is a business, not a charity right? If a small bookstore started selling your self published book, and then Random House offered you a deal and your book was now sold in Barnes and Noble, would you feel badly? Would people criticize you? As far as I know small delis still sell Boars Head (and charge an arm and a leg for it).

  4. Whatever, I think Boar’s Head meats are pretty tasty–and they’re wayyyyyy out of Subway’s league. I saw the ingredient list on a box of Subway lunchmeat once–something like 33% water and a huge list of artificial crapola–and I’m not eating that processed crap ever again. Screw Jared’s fat ass.

  5. boars head is an evil company that wants to compete with subway so they are going to put together a model store and sell franchises of boars head stores. they are doing this on the backs of the people who built them all the small business owners

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