Open Thread

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  1. Mopar, I live 2 blocks away, but I don’t know anything about it, other than where it is. I didn’t realize there was an open house, and I’ve never been inside. Sounds disappointing.

  2. BRG, I think you could do better than this place. The top two floors were in the worst condition I have ever seen. Whole floors, walls, ceilings and windows seemed to be rotting. (Just my unprofessional opinion.)

    As for the other house, funny you should ask…we have been dithering since October. We are still not in contract. We are waiting for the seller to fax the amended contract back to to us so we can see what they’ve changed.

    The house is beyond fabulous, we will never see another like it again. We are uncertain about the condition of the house and how much repairs will cost and the neighborhood in several respects, including convenience, safety, ease of finding a renter, and how much we will miss our current neighborhood. It’s not that we think those things are bad. We just don’t know.

    The alternative is buying an ugly house with a bad floor plan in our current neighborhood. (That’s all there is here.)

    Or maybe triangulating and finding a compromise house in a compromise area, such as near the Myrtle Broadway JMZ.

    We’re almost at the point of tossing a coin. We can’t decide. Or staying where we are, because it’s less risky.

    We’re quite immobilized with indecision.

  3. Dave, sorry to ask dumb questions. you seem like a popular and well-liked poster here, you must be a nice person. best wishes.

  4. Mopar, I was interested. But truthfully, we’re stopping our search for a house once again.
    Damn economy!!

    Also, We’re not scared or turned off by any condition a house is in. We would just need a little corner of the house to live in while we renovate.

    btw – what happened to the other house you were looking at? I was sure you were going into contract.

  5. Just checked the old thread, and see you and Amzi are familiar with the house but hadn’t stopped in. Did you see it this weekend? Also I see BRG was interested. Well, she wouldn’t be if she saw the condition.

  6. Yes, Montrose, the house on Pacific Street. I think it was 1418. Montrose, did you check it out? Know anything about it? Is it close to you?

  7. OMG…I don’t know 3/4 of the games being mentioned.
    I say next Brownstoner get together, forget standing around in a dingy bar sipping drinks, we should hang out on the streets of Brooklyn and play street games of yesteryear.
    Stick ball anyone?

  8. “All I can say is that tetherball was not played on the streets of Brooklyn”


    ACTUAL classic Brooklyn (East New York circa 1970s) street games:

    – Flies Up

    – Running Bases

    – Chinese handball

    – Skelly

    – Hot Peas and Butter

    – Freeze tag

    – Utah (played on a basketball court)

    – Red Light Green Light

    – Giant Steps

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