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  1. bxgrl,

    you’re right, I’ve been callous and rude as I have [sharply] elbowed by you, my friend [imaginery or not. I can’t really say] my greatest supporter – in my haste to climb those many wonderous steps up to the podium. [And I got there, baby, I got there!] I failed to take notice and pay my respect to the people that helped me, with the very sweat of their brow, get where I am today [THE WINNER! WHEEE!].

    And for this, I hang my head, woefully [can you see the little tear?], in shame. My behavior has been nothing if not a lesson in the many ways this country, nay, the world [hell, maybe even the universe?] has gone terribly terribly wrong. The kicking and scratching and stepping on those who stood by and FOUGHT for us as we strove for the power, the fame, the glory, the 30 seconds [Ok, maybe 15 seconds] of fame on brownstoner [and let us not forget….the diamond, emerald and ruby encrusted TIARA!].

    It’s all a such a great and meaningful metaphor for the many ills that plague our nation and if we’re honest about it…our very souls [ok, maybe just mine]. And I, cobblehiller, of cobble hill, have made mistakes along the way. I have failed not only myself, and my supporters but the most righteous reverend of snark himself, SnarkSlope. I have shamed him and his award with my greed, my [really] tacky behavior, and most of all my unrepentent self-aggrandizement.

    I apologize to you all. And I beg of you to take pity on me and please, please, please don’t send me to prison. Please let me stay here in my expansive many roomed mansion [MM keep quiet over there] here in luxurious cobble hill, please let me continue to eat my yummy yummy dinners from Trader Joe’s, and most of all let me continue to breath the fresh [cough, cough] free air that is ours to breath in this most wonderful borough of Kings [I really don’t give a damn what THOSE people in Queens say.]

    Yours, a more humble and self-chastened and [new and improved!] person [BH says he’ll vouch for me – he’s not sure about bailing me out of jail though.]


  2. c’hiller- except you will never have the great honor of being the FIRST. Yet I graciously extend the hand of friendship to you. Even as you abase yourself in that gaudy platinum, cubic zirconia encrusted crown that Elvis himself wouldn’t have worn. Enjoy! And excuse me as I waft by again.

  3. Coming very late to this party today. Work. Wow, Rob, I’m really sorry to hear about your mother.

    I don’t know if this is helpful but FWIW, I have a friend whose father died recently and he saw a therapist for a little bit. Maybe for other reasons, I don’t know. But I think he found it comforting. Sometimes health insurance will cover these things completely.

  4. BRG, Just so you know…I ducked when you threw that tiara, and I’m not sure I like the tone of your ‘over steamed’ comment. If you would, as a past multiple QOTD award winner, allow me this brief and ever-so-fleeting moment of glory [if you’re confused ask bxgrl, she knows all about it], it would be most appreciated! : P

  5. dearest bxgrl,

    I know this must be a wistful, sad and trying moment for you. Indeed, all of the PAST winners surely feel your pain as you each have had to STEP THE EF DOWN. Please try to be gracious and graceful as I step up to take my rightful place in history! [History I tell you!]

    I’m sure that when the time comes, I will fulfill Mr. SnarkSlopes wishes to the high degree of integrity and honor that will fill his heart with pride! [That is if he doesn’t throw up first!]

    p.s. It’s too bad about the sash, huh. And not to worry about the tiara either, I’ve made other arrangements, the [really beautiful jewel encrusted platinum] tiara will be mine, MINE I TELL YOU!

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