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As some of you know, the Brooklyn Flea has been doing the food and beer concessions at the SummerStage concert series in Central Park this summer. As a result, we have one of those neat little passes that lets you go backstage. So it was that we found ourselves in the front row of the first of four concerts by the 90’s band Pavement last night. Since they’re one of our all time faves, we were pretty excited (as was Mrs. B when frontman Steve Malkmus pointed and winked at her!). Here are a few photos from the night. The band plays tonight, tomorrow and Friday as well.

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  1. Awesome show last night! Sick as a dog, I still had an amazing time. And that’s good, considering I bought my tickets over a year ago; )

  2. speaking of williamsburg and robots – the yeah yeah yeahs are playing a last minute show tonight @ secret project robot on metro/kent. capacity can’t be more than 200.

  3. I meant the williamburg that people think of today. Not the one from back in the Save the Robots days. Not back when I could have/should have bought the 3000 sq ft loft with parking for under 300k

  4. Don’t feel old – all the kids like them now too. Punk and indie rock bands have the advantage of never having been that popular in their own decades, so kids/20-somethings today can still “discover” them and their parents can’t brag about how they saw them at Maxwell’s along with 20 other people. Most kids’ parents, anyway.

  5. Hi jessibaby – I’m actually looking forward to the start of the NY Philharmonic and Metropolitan Opera seasons (I’m a subscriber to both, although I did not go stand in line at 6 am today to get in on the free dress rehearsal at NYPhil, though I would have loved to have heard Wynton Marsalis’s new piece); otherwise my listening tastes extend more to 1980s rock/punk, jazz, and what I guess one would call varietes francaises (Zazie has a new album out this week, BTW), so I’ve pretty much missed the boat on this whole genre.

  6. Their earlier stuff struck me as a bit too sloppy sometimes and the later stuff just doesnt have the energy of the earlier stuff, thought they hit just the right balance with Crooked Rain–one of may fave albums of all time. Makes me feel old that they’re like classic rock now…

  7. Pavement were sort of pre-gentrifiers; some of them lived in Pier Platters-era Hoboken for a while in the late-80s and one of them had a huge, dirt-cheap loft in Wmsbg that they’d use as a practice space. Maybe pre-gentrifier isn’t quite the word – but there was a very stable community of poor hipsters in Wmsbg for many years before all the rich hipsters arrived… Anyhow, saw Pavement many times back then, and they truly are a great band – not slacking, trying! (vague song reference, sorry)

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