The question about whether the original signage would be resurrected at the Lafayette Grocery in Fort Greene has been answered by this photo, which also shows that the deli is open for business. What a difference!
New Facade for the Lafayette Grocery [Brownstoner]
LPC Approves 133 Lafayette Storefront [Brownstoner] GMAP
133 Lafayette’s Day of Reckoning at LPC [Brownstoner]
Streetlevel: Lafayette Grocery Overhaul [Brownstoner]

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  1. By CGar on July 19, 2010 1:46 PM

    Randy? Is that you? Where have you been? OT has been so quiet without you.

    it’s also been far more intelligent and civil.

  2. My boyfriend lived in Fort Greene for a few years and we went back to visit the area yesterday for the Cake Man Raven festival. We had just bought cake and were looking for a small pint of milk to eat it with, but upon discovering they didn’t sell milk that size, the owners gave us milk from the coffee cart–for FREE. They were very generous and nice, asking us to tell them if there was anything missing because they wanted to make sure their customers were satisfied with the new store.

    So to answer Randolph, this isn’t just a deli. These are kind, hard-working people trying to accommodate the neighborhood’s needs. They carry a number of specialty items that are decently priced.

    Also, I think the original sign may have been misspelled. FYI owners who make a new store without trying to change the neighborhood so they’ll be more accepted by their critical peers? WIN.

  3. I like the sign. Reminds me of the old days. But as noah says you’d think they’d spell the street name correctly after all of this trouble.