“Mr. [John Tepper] Marlin (former Chief Economist for the City Comptroller’s Office) expects that there will be more defaults on buildings as condominium and co-op owners fail to pay their common charges, and also more sales of foreclosed properties. Rents will continue to dip. There will be longer lines at the grocery store, because fewer people will eat out. And he worries about unrest, citing hard-hit Iceland as a recent example. I’m concerned about people being so desperate that they lose the fear of losing their own lives and they become so desperate that they’re willing to endanger other people’s lives, he said.” — NY Times

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  1. Thanks returnofthewhat. I read it. I agree with you. You can’t come into a neighborhood and expect to change it with your money. All these high class sweet talking real estate hippies that over talk the buyers into these places should wind up like those chickens in the cages. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese lady buys all those condos for a song after all those subprime buyers foreclose.

  2. “And we all get a pony!”

    No Asshead, you get a Baseball bat smashed upside your head then shoved up you Ass!

    “Rents will become affordable! Say farewell to 21200 dollars a month
    Homes will be buyable again! Kiss your million dollar dondo goodbye
    Fruits and Vegetables will be sold at affordable prices! 1.99 for tomatoes is too much.”

    Hey Hannible You will get a lick out of this story..

    When the Feathers Really Fly


    And the follow up on diehipster.com


    “The thought of a woman with an octopus tattoo on her arm, moving with her hipster husband, to a working class neighborhood and paying over 1/2 a million for an apartment and complaining about ANYTHING, is mind boggling and aggrevating. To top it off, they didnt know there was a fecking slaughter house next door???”

    Team Bear: Have a drink and make a toast. Team Bull next stop is the Slaughter House! Imagine paying 699k for a 2 Bedroom Apartment?? ROTFLMMFAO, How retarded is that??!!

    The What (Obama is going to buy me a Pitbull so I can sic on Brownstoner’s Dog..)

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  3. Rents will become affordable! Say farewell to 21200 dollars a month
    Homes will be buyable again! Kiss your million dollar dondo goodbye
    Fruits and Vegetables will be sold at affordable prices! 1.99 for tomatoes is too much.
    The dollar is growing strong. No more tourists buying our Chinese products.

  4. “Who the hell said that??? Certainly wasn’t me.”

    It was me at 1:33, dave, my paranoia of the PWGOFM (aka Plunge Protection Team).

    “…even applicants who assumed their FICO scores would get them favorable rates will be charged more unless they can come up with down payments of 30 percent or higher…”

    BID </= (CASH DOWN)/0.3

    Sorry sellers. Tightening lending standards are on your dime.

    ***Bid half off peak comps***

  5. Well today is been very crazy with the events in Asia and Eastern Europe, i wonder how long we have before everything Blows Up. I thought we would get 100 days in Obama’s Administration without any problems but I was wrong.

    The best thing of all is the Retards are STILL in denial about the collapse of the Mutant Asset Bubble. Guys (Team Loon or Bear) just relax. This thing is going to get good.

    I came across this story last night and got a Hard On! I wish Dave mother was around.

    Home buyers to be dinged with new fees


    Under Fannie’s and Freddie’s new guidelines, even applicants who assumed their FICO scores would get them favorable rates will be charged more unless they can come up with down payments of 30 percent or higher. For example, a buyer with a 699 FICO score who can make a down payment of 25 percent will now get hit with a 1.5 percent “delivery” fee at closing under the new guidelines.

    Yep you read that right 30%!!!!! Now I wonder How many Retards have a 30% down payment??? Plus if a Brownstone cost about 800k
    , who in the hell is going to put down 320k in this economic environment????!!

    Sit back and relax. The retards are dead and they don’t know it yet…

    The What (Obama Obama Save Us!!)

    Someday this war is gonna end…

  6. “…but the hand of central bank intervention will whack that DJIA back up to near 8,000 come 3:59pm. Guaranteed.”

    Free lunch at the Rainbow Room on me. RSVP with dave.

    ***Bid half off peak comps***

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