Seems like bike lanes are being added to Brooklyn every day. Last week, a few Slope streets got new ones, including Sackett and Lincoln.

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  1. Actually, car drivers often DON’T know the rules of the road any more than bike riders do. I was hit by a car in an intersection in Park Slope – I had the right of way, the car was turning left and should have waited for me to pass straight through the intersection (would have if I were in a car, but many cars assume that they ALWAYS have the right of way over a bike just because they are bigger). It was a clear sunny day – with little traffic – visibility was great. Luckily, I saw her coming at me and managed to get mostly out of the way before being hit – I couldn’t stop fast enough because I was riding down the slope. The experience certainly changed my view of riding in the city, and I always was a very defensive rider (who followed the traffic rules) before that.

    If bike lanes make cars more aware that they share the road with bikes, great. But I’m afraid they will make bikers feel more safe, when they aren’t. Cars will still hit them, even in bike lanes.

  2. “Also, bxgirl, your idiocy continues to astound me on a daily basis.”

    Well since your IQ is in the low double digits, it doesn’t take much to astound you- shiny things probably do it too. You repeat this every day, and every day I have to remind myself that I must be patient with those who don’t have the mental and emotional resources to function well in society.

  3. I was riding my bike in Park Slope recently, and a DOB truck tried to run my off the road (despite being in the bike lane), proceeded to berate me and spit at me. Thanks NYC!

    Also, bxgirl, your idiocy continues to astound me on a daily basis.

  4. One of the reasons bikers don’t pay much attention to rules is that they get so little respect from drivers, especially trucks. Ride around Brooklyn on two wheels and you’ll understand that you’ve got to make your own rules to survive alongside Brooklyn drivers. With bike lanes should come more civility and respect for the rules, though it will take time. As a longtime biker myself I applaud the bike lanes and do what I can to respect pedestrians at crosswalks, though those who walk out in front of me when I have the green do annoy me. But I don’t yell or get upset: it’s live and let live. Speaking of which, wanted to point out to any fellow bikers who may read this a rarely observed point of etiquette: when traveling the wrong way on a bike lane please pull over when a bike rider coming the right way approaches. Have had a few annoying encounters with people who see a bike lane as license to go the wrong way on a one-way street. A little respect for the rider actually going the right way would be appreciated. Ride strong!

  5. More bike lanes is a great idea; but how about more bike racks? The city doesn’t provide nearly enough of these; as a private resident on the corner of a busy commercial street, with lots of bike traffic and no place to lock them, I would have to pay myself to put a bike rack outside my building.

  6. I predict this will cause some big confusion when alternate side of the street parking resumes. Do all those folks who double park for the 1 1/2 hours park on top of the new bike lane? If they do, will the be ticketed for blocking it? Or do they leave space for the lane between their double parked cars and the legally parked cars? If they do, will there still be enough space for trucks and school buses to make it down the block?

    Another thing, I have one of these new lanes on my block, Lincoln Place. The new bike lane seems wider than normal. Have bike lanes become wider this year?

  7. Oh please- liberal socialist principle! It’s lack of common sense- and guess what- even you conservative neocons lack common sense too. In fact, judging by the last 8 years- you are so lacking you’ve nearly ruined the entire country. but if being able to say you look before you cross the street makes you feel better, by all means have a blast.

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