Clinton Hill just got a little uglier—and a little more difficult to find a parking space in. The owner’s plan to cut the curb and turn the front of the ground floor at 174 Clinton Avenue into a parking garage that we reported back in November is coming to fruition. A reader sends in this photo that shows the concrete and facade demolition has been completed. How can this be? The property falls just outside the historic district and just within the commercial overlay from Myrtle Avenue. The flipper’s gain is everyone else’s loss.
174 Clinton Avenue [Brown Harris Stevens] GMAP P*Shark DOB
Cut and Run at 174 Clinton Avenue [Brownstoner]

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  1. @2:16.

    I can see you are one of those tattletales. Mommy, mommy, mommy, he stuck his tongue out at me! Mommy, mommy, mommy she doesn’t like me because she says I’m a baby! Mommy, mommy, mommy the teacher gave me an F on my test even though I tried really hard but got all the answers wrong! Mommy, mommy, mommy I have no friends!

    Yeah, I definitely think you and commenter’s like you should be banned from the site by IP address and MAC address.

  2. Hey Brownstoner –
    Maybe you can flag comments that are nothing more than empty anonymous attacks on other people’s ideas. The rest of us could save time by skipping the post entirely.
    If you have to attack other people and their ideas to make your point, it says a lot more about the insecurity you feel about your ideas.
    These discussions are constantly relegated to the worst of the grade school playground.
    When is the culture of blog discussion groups going to get past this snark army? It is so boring.

  3. 1:12 Not everything is about money. Life and convenience may matter to some. Who am I to question someone devaluing there house. If it makes em happy, then they did what was right for them. On the flip side, you can count your money while looking for parking.

  4. 11:11/11:26 Got more sad news for you. I have one of those houses with a garage. Stick to speaking for yourself, I can at least respect that as opposed to your self proclaimed moral superiority. You are so arrogant you don’t even know that you are an asshole.

  5. “more like the Rolex and Marc Jacobs bag stuck in the grill”

    A hippie snob with money is still a hippie. Some of them even have jobs. And yes, this is total hippie bullshit–utopian urban disneyland fantasy totalitarian crap.

    I used to drive around Williamsburg looking for hipsters to flatten. That got too easy, and then it got dangerous–I hit a couple of lawyers, and, well it’s been a tough year. I learned you got to get ’em twice, no lawsuits that way. Now I’m coming to brownstone Brooklyn.

    –the thing that eats hippies

  6. Hey brownstoner and his lackeys, do you also want to tell me how I should dress and what brand of clothing I should wear while walking about in “your” Brooklyn townhouse neighborhoods? I suppose you also want to tell me how to cut my hair and the proper style I should have? Do you also want to tell me how to wipe my own ass?

    Almost all of you townhouse owning people have this ingrained lemming following what everybody does mentality. No sense of being a unique individual and wanting to live your live the way you see fit the way you want to. So sad and so pathetic.

  7. Forget about the aesthetics.
    I don’t understand how it could make economic sense to trash 1/8th of a $2 million brownstone to build a garage.
    That means you are valuing the 1-car garage space at $250K.
    That is, what, $1,250 a month or so in carrying costs.
    Why would anyone do that? Just leave the place as it is and offer to reimburse any car-loving buyer for their garage costs for the next 10 years.
    YOu’d be way ahead.

  8. more like the Rolex and Marc Jacobs bag stuck in the grill. The people buying these houses are not hippies, if anything their moneyed professionals looking for historic homes in historic neighborhoods. That is why there is such a reaction, not out of some hippy bullshit. How old are you, 60?

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