The Journal has a story today about how there aren’t enough family-size apartments to go around in Williamsburg, in part because developers didn’t anticipate the neighborhood becoming a destination for families during the building boom. Edge developer Jeffrey Levine, for example, says that “years turned hipsters into parents” since he started developing in the neighborhood. While only 5 percent of the Edge’s units are three-bedrooms, Levine intends to make 10 percent of the units in his project on the Northside Piers 3 site three-beds. The article also has quotes from some would-be buyers with babies who live in the neighborhood about how it’s very difficult to find spaces that are big enough for their families: One woman who has been looking to upgrade from a two-bedroom for three years says her hunt has been fruitless because the few three-bedrooms that do exist “tend to go quickly.” Here’s a stat to back up the anecdotal evidence: According to the brokerage MNS, only 13 percent of for-sale apartments in Williamsburg are 1,500 square feet or larger, while on the Upper West Side, “two-thirds of the inventory is larger than 1,500 square feet.”
Brooklyn Feels a Pinch [WSJ]
Photo by barek176

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  1. Burg residents are sounding like city dwellers who won’t live outside of manhattan because they can’t. Ridiculous! There is plenty of wonderful housing stock in brooklynand queens and if the would consider home ownership they may find 3/4&5 bedrooms with a yard. To me it is foolish to be so narrow minded.