washington-cemetery-010411.jpgThe Sanitation Department’s taken a lot of heat over the past couple of weeks for its performance—or lack thereof—in the clean-up the December 27 blizzard. This latest news takes the prize though: According to the blog Sheepshead Bites, NYDS workers piled so much snow on a fence of the Washington Cemetery along Bay Parkway recently that the fenced buckled, causing roughly 30 gravestones to be toppled. [Sanitation workers] were continually dumping snow there for several days, said Washington Cemetery employee Mike Ciamaga, who added that cemetery officials first noticed the broken gravestones on Sunday morning. As of this morning they were still dumping there. The accidental destruction comes less than a month after a couple of hundred headstones at the historically Jewish cemetery were destroyed in an apparent act of vandalism.

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  1. they’ve now got 2 snow melters out on that stretch of Bay Parkway today, finally. the entire stretch has been closed for more than a week, and they have garbage trucks and 2 sanitation cars at each end blocking it off. that’s at least 6 vehicles each day for more than a week, add in the # of shifts, well, you get the point. and the gravestones are still overturned. you can see it all from the F train platform, Bay Parkway stop. perfect views. newsvans parked on either end of the closed off stretch. tow truck pulling out the abandoned big rigs this morning.

  2. My folks live round these parts. When I went to visit them on New Year’s Day, I was shocked to see the condition of the snow removal, or lack thereof, in this area. It was 6 days after the storm, and it looked like it was the day after. I alo observed that the city was in a full court press to remedy the situation, to the point of hiring every contractor with a front loader to make the streets passable. They were working well into the evening too. I think this panicked catch-up reaction had something to do with this sloppy work.

  3. oh wow…someone made a mistake with a plow that inconvenienced some dead people! Shocking, Outrage…..

    I think the more important question is all the places that WERENT plowed, that crippled the living.

  4. I was driving on Ocean Ave towards Ave Z and was amazed at the amount of snow and the huge piles of snow on that major road that still need to be cleared.

    That video of the Uhaul truck covered by snow and the Maxima that was destroyed by the snow dumped on it by the cemetary as well as the destruction of the headstones from the collapsed fence was a disgrace. Obviously Sanitation heads wanted to make a point and cause the city to pay out on the claims and lawsuits that will follow. They didn’t take into account the harm done to innocent people, some who lost their lives due to their alleged slowdown.