From the NY Daily News comes Brooklyn tourism stats for the year 2010. 48.7 million visited New York City the past year, with 15 million coming to Brooklyn cultural attractions. (The 15 million includes both tourists and locals, and the Daily News thinks “part of the increase could come from cash-strapped Brooklynites taking in local attractions instead of traveling.”) Coney Island saw a 17 percent jump last summer with 14 million visitors. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden had 10,000 more visitors than the previous year, and 28 percent more people from outside the metro area stopped by the Brooklyn Museum. And don’t forget the more than 300,000 people who came to The Flea last year!
Brooklyn Tourism Business is Boomin’ [NY Daily News]
Photo by bluemango

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  1. “The eurotrash have come over the bridge and are taking Brooklyn over. Seriously their are so many of them. I always loved Brooklyn for not having tourists but that has all changed.”

    The best part about Brooklyn is that it’s a diverse melting pot filled with people from all over the world. Next to Queens, it is the most diverse county in the entire United States.

    Yet here we have someone wishing people would stay away, pretty much the opposite of what makes Brooklyn special. What exactly is Eurotrash anyway? Are they anything like all the Eastern Europeans who have actually settled all over South Brooklyn, or do you just enjoy making blanket statements about people?

  2. The eurotrash have come over the bridge and are taking Brooklyn over. Seriously their are so many of them. I always loved Brooklyn for not having tourists but that has all changed.

  3. I wanted to take a tour bus with some friends from out town… since they go by my house, I thought it would be fun. Then I checked the route, and they basically all do a big circle around downtown BK, up to Prospect Park and down through Fort Greene… a route that one can pretty much walk in about the same amount of time. And they cost $40.

    So instead I took my friends on a local actual bus tour.

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