The Seattle-like weather we’ve been having hasn’t done any favors for the abandoned construction project at 95 Bedford Avenue. Of course, water isn’t this site’s biggest problem. That would be the alleged contamination in the ground. You see, this lot used to house a paint manufacturing facility owned by NJZ Color and Reichhold Chemical. It seems that lead and cadmium were at one point major ingredients in the company’s products and that some of this stuff may have made its way into the ground. Serious stuff. To lighten the mood, one area prankster released a duck decoy into the urban pond a few days ago, confusing a live duck in the process. Close-up photo on the jump.
Williamsburg’s Swimming Hole [Brownstoner]


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  1. It’s Bedford between N 11 and N 12.

    And there are not stop work orders because of the EPA. There are stop workers when developers and construction crews break the laws concerning environmental remediation. And enforcement on those laws by the DOB or anyone else is completely laughable.

  2. Wow, this is a real ecological nightmare because you know, lead and cadmium originally came from (and still comes from)…the ground. So does asbestos. All 3 are natural products of the earth and in many places in the US and even here in the city are natural deposits in higher concentration than this “potential” site that probably hasn’t even been tested. There are so many projects like this all over Brooklyn that may or may not contain trace amounts of natural chemical “x” that are causing ecological and biological nightmares from non-use and abandonment on their own. Just scoop off the top layer, dump it in the landfill like we’ve done for 300 years, cover the lot with concrete, and build something already. More than likely, any bad chemical residues in these lots have already leecehd out and run down the streets into other peoples properties from the rainfall runoff. Not that I’m anti pollution, but all these stop work orders because of the EPA which then never ever seem to be tested, treated, or cleared just makes this place even more miserable. Over here in Williamsburg and north into Greenpoint that used to be industrial are full of vacant lots awaiting…??? something and have been for years now.

  3. What- You are such a loser. Get a life. Don’t you have anything better to do? There are some good articles for cutting and pasting online today.

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