I would like to install a proper tree pit and gate for the tree in front of my house. I’ll need to cut away some of the concrete/ blue stone currently there, put down some soil/mulch and install a 3 sided iron fence. Who do I call, landscaper/ mason/ ironworker? Is there someone who handles everything or do I have to piecemeal it?

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  1. Stargazer, do you realize that rain run off is one of the biggest pollution/ flooding issues in our community!!!!????? YOUR CLEAN CEMENT IS POLLUTING THE BIG PICTURE!!! I suggest you start getting informed and TREES MAK EOUR AIR CLEAN!!!!! DO SOME RESEARCH.

  2. Call an iron shop- most of the local ones should do tree grates. I’ve used someone in NJ, Tringali- but I would bet that Bk has tons of them that would do a one off.

    If your sidewalk needs to be cut, that’s something that you’ll have to verify (so that you’re within allowable limits). The city has CHANGED these limits almost yearly… so don’t trust anyone but Central Forestry to know the truth.

  3. “but they need to open their eyes and see where there is no greenery at all, that’s the place to plant the trees…..”

    Umm… isn’t that what they did with your trees?! Ya know the ones your have such disdain for?!

  4. We didn’t ask for trees, we got 3 of them. The pits become garbage dumps, with butts and papers. Gross.
    My LL said he wants to kill the trees remove them and cement the beds up, as a board member of the co-op, I gave him the green light. We tried with the flowers last year, but the city digs a pit around the tree and watering them like the towering inferno, ruining everything. The city didn’t put the cobblestones and fence around it so it does look like cement was cut with a saw and a tree planted…..nothing pretty at all. Funny how the city deceides where they are to be planted, but you have to take care of them.

    I would rather have clean cememt than dirt garbage ridden tree pits.
    it is a shame we cant have anything pretty in my neighborhood, as the people are pigs.

    2 blocks away another building got 8 trees planted, they look nice, but they already have a lawn with huge trees and grass, and yet just down the block there is nothing but cement for as far as the eye can see….now why weren’t the trees planted there….

    I don’t know who the person is that deceide’s this, but they need to open their eyes and see where there is no greenery at all, that’s the place to plant the trees…..

  5. Yep, just trying to make it nicer and hopefully prevent it from being used as the block dog poop station and trash receptacle.

    I tried the Borough Presidents office at one point (they were offering free tree pit gates) but they don’t do one off projects. I’ll hire someone to do it but not sure where to start. I’ll check out the suggestions given here. Thanks.

  6. Am I wrong… I think the poster has a tree *already* outside his house.

    He/she just wants to make it prettier.

  7. Yes to Parks Dept.

    And yes, you will have to piecemeal it. They will (eventually) install the tree and the side ‘supports’ . You will need to arrange for the iron (or wooden) well.

    Be mindful of tree placement– watch for curb cuts (or potential ones) and hydrants.

    And, be patient. Above all, be patient!