Yesterday at 4:20 pm, I double parked my car outside my home on Wash Ave to off-load my 3 and 7 year old. I left the flashers on and my wife came down the stoop to pick them up. In the 4 min transaction an 88 Precinct patrol car pulled in front of my car and issued a ticket even though they saw the kids. Arguing was in vain and the officer said she ‘wanted to teach me a lesson’. However, the ticket was incomplete and omitted the time. I plan on contesting it and have three witnesses who saw the bizarre exchange. Any advice?

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Try this book: Beat that Parking Ticket by Haskall Nussbaum. I got nailed with 3 parking tickets one night last winter while working late in Ft Greene. I bought the book and read it cover-to-cover; I beat each of those tickets and was sorry I had not had the book sooner.

    Good luck.


  2. Jaguar I like your comment, it made me think.

    If you have to double park to unload heavy or a multiude of items, society understands. Children are in this category.

    I don’t understand why it is difficult for people to park legally and a walk a half block to go to a store. Walking is permitted.

    Also WTF is up with people leaving their cars running when they aren’t in them. Obama would have a fit, no wonder he wants gas to be $7.00. I had a neighbor who would leave his limo to get cigarettes with the keys in it. He always said he would like to see someone try to take it.

  3. For once I agree with tybur6 about something. Most (but not all) of the parking tickets I’ve received in recent years have been the result of out and out fraud on the part of the TCAs. These usually get dismissed on a technicality, but the agents seem free to continue their illicit activities.

  4. tybur6, sounds like you’ve been scorned by the City a few times!!
    HansDelbruck, love the name!! Abby-Normal?

  5. Let me see if I fully understand this: woman with kids doubleparks to let the kids out and that is ok; brother in an SUV doubleparks in front of a bodega to go do whatever it is he does in a bodega and that isn’t ok. What’s the difference? Double parking is obnoxious no matter who is doing it and I suppose we all do it from time to time but when we do it is ok because it is important for x, y, z reason but when others do it, it is awful awful awful and destroys quality of life. The reason there are no exceptions to this particular law is because everybody thinks they are the exception.

  6. She needed you to hit her quota but gave you a break. No outrage necessary here; don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

  7. LafCH is a kind of person, who would drive in passing lane under speed limit just to teach rest of us that speeding law is the law.

  8. I think folks would be less “entitled” if there were less bullshit tickets — and I mean actually effed up, traffic agents pulling shit just to write more tickets. Unfortunately there are waaaaaaaay to many bad apples with a meter maid cap and they are overseen by a force of totally inept supervisors. So, yeah… there’s that.

  9. after filming documentaries for four years with the parking authorities multiple cities I can not believe how totally entitled most drivers feel about breaking the law. double parking is a hazard, I have small kids too, it is much more convenient to pull up in front of my house – but if you take the chance, how can you, as an adult, cry foul when you get caught. why are you above the lay? how is “i was just in there for 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes” an excuse? if there were no parking rules it would be complete chaos out there. and by the way, cars are a luxury, especially in an urban setting. so lets be honest – its more important to have clear roads and well built land to house our population – if you want to park anywhere, and have abundant parking lots, then move to the suburbs – no parking problems out there! otherwise, play by the rules, or take the bus/subway. only in the USA do people think driving & parking is a right!

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