Following up on a question I posted a few days ago, about a standard gas (ProMax) water heater being used for both space (floor) heating and potable water supply to the bathroom in a small commercial space I rent…
I think I’ve convinced the owners that this set-up is not code-compliant (thanks to the helpful info I rec’d here!) and now they’re saying they may be willing to put a tankless unit in the bathroom, so the basement water heater would be used just for the floor heating system… Would this then be up to Code?

Is a tankless unit a good option for this scenario?… Small space only gets used a few hours a day, and only hot water use would be for washing hands and occasional cleaning.

MP, you seem to be the resident expert here on this topic — any thoughts/recommendations?


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  1. No problem.

    By “tankless” you mean a gas-fired unit that exhausts out a side wall?
    Seems a little crazy to me, but whatevs. They’d have to file it, get it inspected, possibly upgrade the gas meter…..
    A 2 or 6 gallon electric water heater would get this done nicely, without all that.

    Still need a boiler with an “H” stamp for the floor heating to make this compliant.

    Seems like you’ve got it now.

    Good luck,

  2. Ugh, sorry MP, I guess I didn’t fully get that the first time around. I thought the “H” stamp and other requirements were only if it was being used for both space heating and domestic, but now I understand — Not okay to use the ProMax for the floor heating, under any circumstances!

    Thanks for your patience with this novice…

    I doubt I’ll be able to convince the owners to get a boiler for the floor heat, but I’m gonna try.

    In the meantime though, they seem to be making plans to put a tankless unit in for the bathroom sink, which is the only hot water needed other than the floor heat — is this an okay idea or should I protest?

    Thanks so much for the advice!

  3. Berlinesque, are you still asking if your water heater can be used to make heat?

    The answer is no no no!

    Doesn’t matter if they remove the domestic water heating function.

    What they need to do is buy a boiler to make the heat and let the ProMax water heater make the hot water.