I am doing a walkthrough tonight for the new condo my wife and I are purchasing. What should I pay attention to? What should I let slide as being too minor? For example, if there is a small abrasion on our sink, should I bring that up? If there is a small indent from a door handle (the width of a fingernail edge), should I bring that up? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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  1. I would bring a camera with you for the first walk through, and make a detailed punch-list of everything that you’d like to see fixed.

    Chipped paint on windowsil, dented lighting switchplate, anything that you see that you’d like fixed. Make sure you open all windows/doors and that the handles are on secure (or ask the seller to fix them.) Turn on the heat and hot water and make sure it’s working, etc.

    Then, be sure you do a final walk through 2 days or so prior to closing, so you can check that everything major was fixed.

  2. If it’s new construction most likely the contracts don’t include inspections the way a house purchase would.

    If there’s something so minor that’s cosmetic that even you don’t care about it you can skip it. For the rest, if it bothers you even if it’s a small item put it on the list. Make sure you bring your cell phone charger or something like that to test all the outlets with.

    Worst case scenario, if you forget to put something on there and later find out it’s not working, it’s most likely covered under your warranty.

  3. If it’s new construction, make up a “punch list” of everything and negotiate at closing. That siad, anything that was visible when you made the offer or had the place inspected is no longer up for negotiation.

    Certainly make sure that all of the appliances and electric, plumbing and heating are still in good working order and there’s no trash left behind (broom clean, as they say).

  4. new as in “new construction” or “new to you”? If this is new construction, I’d be a jackass and complain about everything. (Altho an indent the width of a fingernail might be a little too jackass-y even for me.) Because, why not — they likely have people around to fill and sand, or get a check for $500 at closing.

    If this isn’t brand new, you can’t really complain about this stuff.

    Do make sure you turn on all the appliances, including A/C.

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