Greetings. My question pertains to the psychology, not psychology of painting the inside side of my window frames white; they they are black. I have this vague memory of being told that painting what is black white will make my windows look smaller (or something). Does this sound familiar to anyone? My walls are light in color, so having white window frames seems like it makes more sense….anyone? Thanks.

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  1. Your eye “passes through” black more easily than white which catches your eye. If you want a railing to seem less obstructive you would paint it black. White would tend to grab your attention. So the white window frames will be more obvious and define the size. Black would appear less defined, more vague.

  2. I don’t know if painting the frame white would make the window look smaller, but certainly at night when your view out is dark the frame blends into that, and you don’t notice all the parts of the window. At least that was what I was thinking last night when looking out of my building’s brown aluminum windows.

  3. not sure. you could buy some masking tape and stick it over the back frames to get a rough idea of how they would look lighter. just as a mock-up.

  4. Go ahead. If they’ve got any gloss to them, cut that down with sandpaper, steel wool or “liquid sandpaper.” Best to use a primer first.