We have a three family with a separate boiler / hot water heater room in the basment which is pretty well sealed from the rest of the basement. I just noticed a gas odor of gas when opening the door to this room which was not there before. Nothing overwhelmening but noticeable. The boiler and hot water heater are operational. Has anyone come across a similar issue? Is it normal when a boiler / hot water heater are operating at these temps to have some odor? Any suggestions or recommended HVAC companies? Thanks.

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  1. I’d have to agree with Master Plvmber on this one. I’ve been through this one with Con Ed and a hundred unit building. This can turn into buying 100 hot plates and tens of thousands of meals, all over one person and their pilot light.

  2. I have called the gas company when I smelled gas and they came promptly and fixed the problem (poorly installed stove from handyman worker the landlord had hired). My gas was not shut off. It was easy fast and free.

  3. Yeah, what Master Plvmber said. My neighbor called National Grid about a gas smell and not only did they shut off her gas (which took two days to get turned back on), they contacted FDNY, which arrived with lights/siren. They never determined where the gas smell was coming from either.

    Call an emergency plumbing service. If you’re concerned, you can always temporarily shut off your own gas until they get there.

  4. It’s not normal to smell natural gas in the boiler room under any conditions.

    You may be smelling something else. If you’re sure it’s gas, then call a plumber of your choosing to find and fix the leak. Calling National Grid will result in having your gas shut off and then getting involved in a ridiculous process to have it turned back on.

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