I was wondering if a Brownstoner could give me some guidance. I live in a pre-war co-op that has a typical steam pipe in the bathroom that runs through the entire building. Due do major construction taking place in the bathroom above, where debris was coming down behind the walls and hitting my ceiling, it caused a small gap around the steam pipe in the ceiling. This allows bits of dust and debris to come through and sit on my bathroom floor on a regular basis.

My super has tried to be helpful, and twice plastered the hole. But either due to the heat being on and cracking the plaster or some other reason it does not hold. Is there some other material(or method) that I can use to patch up the hole that will withstand the heat from the steam pipe, or am I just going to need to wait until the heat is turned off in the spring?

Thank you in advance for your guidance.

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  1. The escutcheon that goes around the pipe can be trimmed to fit if the wall is close to the pipe. I have used the spray foam put is seems that it breaks down from heat. I would stuff the hole with fiberglass insulation and then install the escutcheon.

  2. My super, for what its worth said that there is not enough space between the pipe and the wall to fit the ring around the pipe.

    As for the cover for the neighbor, that appears to be part of the problem, they removed that the cover when they started contruction which allowed debris to fall. It has been put back, but the damage was already done.

    Thanks everyone for your help.

  3. Thanks for the advice. Any danger in spraying that stuff on the pipe while its hot? Also, this may be a stupid question, but the steel wool won’t burn?

  4. Get a can of expandable spray foam at the hardware store and blow it up in the space above the ceiling around the pipe. It’s flexible and will expand/contract with the pipe. Any excess can be cut off easily and painted.