I just bought a home and enrolled in National Grid’s “balanced” billing, whereby I am currently paying $200 for gas and in 4 months, my actual usage will be used to determine what I will pay for the next four months (once winter hits). Anybody have any insight/experience with the “balanced” billing. I feel like National Grid is getting over b/c I am using nowhere near $200 in gas right now, and once the winter hits, they will be unwilling to lower my rate b/c…well…it will be winter. Any insight is much appreciated. Thanks!

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  1. You pay for your actual usage over the course of the year. Balanced billings just helps keep your monthly payments more stable, so you’re not paying a huge amount more per month in the winter than in the summer.

  2. I pay $157 per month so at end of year I still have a credit which brings me into March.

  3. >its, they will be unwilling to lower my rate

    For a month or three you will pay more than you’ve used (Aug, Sep, Oct). In fall/winter you use MORE gas and a flat billing is to your advantage, as at the end of winter you’ve paid in much less than you’ve used; in effect you have an interest-free loan. As spring/summer rolls by you make up the difference and it all evens out.

  4. I currently use balanced billing with national grid. its fairly calculated based on square footage, previous tenants historical usage, weather etc. I pay $51 a month. During the summer days I use approximately $35 of actual usage and during the winter months approximately $100. if your usage is consistently less than $200 they will adjust it accordingly. regardless at the end of the year you can have the money carried over or you can request a refund if their is a credit on your account. again, keep in mind weather is accounted for.

    how big is your new home?