So we had some fun with a sledgehammer this past week and took up an 8×10 section of concrete in front of our place to make a front garden.
Any suggestions on getting rid of the concrete now? I know I can put it out bit by bit in my trash, but that would take months. Any way to buy some space in someone’s dumpster? Open to any ideas and am willing to load/transport it myself. Thanks!

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  1. Greg’s Express 1 800 Mr Rubbish

    Just get a firm price. They do all the labor.

  2. Waste Management but I don’t know if they operate inside NY City…

    BTW its perfectly permissible to have the DOS pick it up in small pieces over time. The rule is home owner minor repair spoilage may be picked up….

    Construction Debris – While the Department does remove non-commercial waste from homeowners engaged in small “do-it-yourself” projects, homeowners who are undertaking large projects should contract for their own dumpster by contacting a private rubbish removal service. Bulk and construction debris generated by hired contractors or fee-for-service personnel on home repair or renovation projects is considered commercial waste and it is therefore the responsibility of the contractor to arrange for appropriate private disposal.

  3. We’re using the concrete we busted up in our garden to dry-lay a garden wall. We’ll fill the cracks in with soil and plant into the face of the wall. Sounds like that might not work in your case, but point is – if you can find a way to use the waste, you don’t have to pay to have it removed.

  4. I had a friend who put all of the concrete that he removed from his backyard into 50-lb. bags, and then he called 1-800-GOT-JUNK. He said they came out and picked it all up and hauled it away. I have also heard of a company that comes out and drops off (on your sidewalk or parking spot) one of those really heavy-duty reinforced canvas bags that is then picked up by a truck and hauled off. Whatever you can put into it, they will haul it all away. Anyone know the name of the company that does that?

  5. yanks21 – I’m not suprised people are selling old handmade red clay bricks – why not? Porbably shipped down the Hudson on sail barges before being dragged to the building site on horse carts. Plenty of history in them. With the veneer of real aging also.

    But $10 each is just silly.

  6. According to Montrose, if you had been caught buying your own sledgehammer by the police in the nineteenth century, they would have busted you for whatever nefarious activity you were secretly planning.

  7. Search here under “Handyman” there have been a few posts from people who’ve had guys haul out all sorts of stuff from yard & basement

  8. there is a place in queen that takes it for free to recycle. trying to find the name.

  9. You put the concrete in the cuffs of your pants and shake it out in the yard during rec time.