We are soon to be reworking our garden and want to get new soil as our soil is not so healthy anymore. Does anybody know of a place that we can dispose of soil? Thoughts would be appreciated.

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  1. My bossman’s right. But even if you’re only growing veg you should get it tested and not get rid of it unless you’ve got absurdly high levels of arsenic or lead or similar heavy metal.

    All that stuff leaches down, amending with compost solves many lead issues, topsoil is a natural resource that’s dwindling too rapidly. Scraping off all your soil is destroying an important little ecosystem that helps your plants grow.

  2. I agree with my agent. 🙂

    Unless you have too much soil and need to get rid of some to properly grade your yard (a problem I had) or you’re turning the yard into one big vegetable garden you should think about amending the soil.

  3. Getting rid of soil because it’s not so healthy anymore?

    That sounds really expensive and unnecessary… that’s what amending soil with compost is for. But maybe I misunderstand.