Over the years the view from the rear of our house has changed. I still like it but it has decidedly taken a turn for the less picturesque over these many years.

Old, gorgeous trees have been cut down, well-grown shrubs and roses ripped out, odd extensions added to houses, well-grown Virginia creeper removed from walls after years of growth (does not damage walls like English ivy), and these later years, more and more, decks have been built. Luckily, some homeowners have planted new trees but these have not yet filled in the visual gaps that the old trees used to fill.

For me, many of these changes have uglified the yards for the homeowners and, ultimately our view. Plus, each time a well-grown tree is cut down, especially a pine, it seems there’s that much less habitat for birds. With the turn-over we’ve seen these last years, it seems each time new owners moves in, they want to put their stamp on the garden with often insensitive, deleterious effects.

I’d love to know if anyone reading this has ever organized an “inner block” association?…not a regular block association where you work with your streetside neighbors. I’m talking about an association of homeowners and apartment dwellers who live on the four different streets that surround an actual “block”.

If you have done this, please share details on how you reached out to your neighbors all around the block. Did you create a flier or go door-to-door in person? Has anyone tried this and “failed”? Has anyone thought about doing this but not bothered?

Disclaimer: The photograph above is NOT our view but I’m sure you figured that out! It’s the view from a friend’s house on the Riviera. I thought it might add some cheeriness to this dreary weather we’re having! Why can’t we transplant some of that Mediterranean sunshine and loveliness? Oh well!

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  1. my one concern with trees and invasive plants. People plant trees that are not suitable for the mini back yards…..PIN OAKS, HEMLOCKS (they have a virus that makes them a hollow) while native trees Wild cherries are cut down. Worse yet they don’t maintain the monster trees and soon they can become lethal weapons. We have 4 invasive plants terrorizing our block. Wisteria, which is killing all the trees and destroying all the power lines; Burning bush,Rose of Sharon; and a Fig tree. The fig that apparently an old man brought back from the old country at the turn of the century. The fig has massively over produced I tore out 7 from my yard and 3 more popped up this year. keep us informed with your progress.

  2. Talk to the Fort Greene Association. Or perhaps approach Landmarks — they are very concerned about the backyard enviroment, which I believe they informally call the “donut hole.” The Historic Districts Council may also be able to help.

  3. Disclaimer #2: I didn’t take that photo. It was taken by a professional! Please don’t write me asking I take professional photos of your house. 🙂 They would probably turn out lousy!