Anybody have a good place locally where I might be able to pick up a small grate for a fireplace?

Doesn’t have to be pretty, just simple and functional. Fireplace is small, so 18″ or thereabouts is the biggest I think I can use!

Thanks so much in advance for any suggestions. Already checked out Lowes, no go.

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  1. I bought a grate like that for $20 at target. I also bought a cheap screen there for around $30 as I wanted something simple and inexpensive. This may be late in the season … I got mine at target in Queens on 20th Avenue in College Point. this is their # (718) 661-4346

  2. I would recommend checking at Eddie’s salvage/antiques on Greene at Grand. He always has lots of fireplace parts and I have seen grates and baskets.

  3. Grates, not screens. Went to target but it is seasonal and everything was gone. Same with Home Depot and Lowes. Went to some local shops on Atlantic and elsewhere but came up zero.

    Sadly looks like I’ll be having to wait a while and just order on line or wait till next season.

  4. You’re talking about a screen? Was upstate last week and Target had them on clearance. They sell grates, too, probably also on clearance right now. Not sure about Brooklyn.