Hey everyone,

I have a (hopefully minor) plumbing issue. The hot water in my bathroom sink wouldn’t completely shut off so I began turning the hot water on/off via the valves at the bottom of the sink. This worked for a couple of days but this morning I tried turning on the hot AND cold water and could only get a trickle of water.
Has this ever happened to anyone? Does it sound like a DIY repair (for a novice) or does it sound costlier?
Hope this made sense.

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  1. Did you check the screen at the end of the faucet for debris? It might be clogged. Unscrew the end cap and check. Not the first time I have fixed a low pressure problem simply by cleaning out the water saver and screen.

  2. When I do these, I don’t usually repair the valves on the bottom, they are inexpensive so I change them. This is a DIY unless they are sweat on. If they are sweat, I usually cut the lines and sweat a threaded male pipe and replace the old valves with threaded ones, so the next time they go, they are DIY.

    As for the faucets, the washers are generally DIY, but if the seats are shot, you may wish to call someone.


  3. Thanks Bklnite. The water shuts 99% off when I shut the valves off. There’s still a slight trickle

    Off to Home Depot I go I guess. Lets cross fingers and toes I don’t make matters truly worse

  4. It sounds like diy – go to home depot or lowes and buy a faucet and change it out – unless there’s a problem with the valve, as MP suggests.

    Does the water shut off when you shut off both valves below the sink? If so buy the faucet (make sure you get one that matches … # holes in the sink, 4″ is common) and give it a shot. You’ll have a new faucet that you chose and worst case you get stuck or frustrated trying diy and you call a handyman or plumber who’ll charge you some minimum for a service call and probably do it quickly.

  5. Thanks Master_Plumber. How much should I expect to be charged by a pro? Sounds like an easy fix for them, but a bit over my head.

  6. You’ve probably dislodged the valve’s washer from the stem and need to replace or reattach it…or replace the valve, even better.

    Either way, you’ll have to shut the water main, drain the plumbing down, and work on the valve.

    DIY if you feel up to the challenge.