Hi all,

I’m involved with getting a C of O with a nonprofit organization doing some renovations. Today we were discussing the quirks of various inspectors – we know the name of the person coming to inspect the work, but no one recognizes who it is or has worked with them before. we were wondering how hardass or how far they will want to roam through the building to look around. We have nothing to hide, and we have no problem explaining how we did the work, but the anxiety is there. Any thoughts or similar stories you can share? Any amount of perspective will be warmly appreciated.

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  1. Smokychimp is on-point. The newer the inspector, the more they will roam, cite, question, etc. You will do best if your architect or engineer is present to walk through with the inspector while you stay in the background. If that’s not possible, remember that you are there for business not friendship. Answer only the questions that are asked and offer nothing more (not water, not information, not chitchat). Make absolutely sure you have the perforated permits (not copies) and
    all other paperwork on premises and available.

  2. island107,

    If I were in your place I’d send a copy of that stupid DOI letter to the Commissioner of Investigation, explaining the situation and asking if she knew that her staff was sending out such idiocy on letterhead bearing her name. It might help to point out the value [nil] of a glass of water.

  3. everythng used to be code, would you like to use the restroom, meant: leave your jacket outside wnd we will out something in the pocket, having a glass of water may nmean something folded in the napkin -who knows? treat building inspectors like visiting dignitaries from mars. Do not assume they are human.

  4. wow that’s amazing, Island107.
    I have seen a whole range of inspectors and if I were to generalize, the newer the inspector the tougher they are. A long time inspector looks for just the safety issues and leaves.

  5. Here’s a beaut from a few weeks ago. Hottest day of the year and a glass of water was offered to the inspector. A week later a letter comes from the City Dept. of Investigations warning it is unlawful to offer water to an inspector. It is considered a bribe and is subject to criminal prosecution.