My parents’ basement has been flooding when it rains. The source of the water seems to be a wall shared with a vacant house that was recently purchased by an investor. There is no plumbing on my parent’s side of the wall, but the neighbor’s basement sewer pipe runs along the wall.

My parents have called the owner to try to confirm the source of the flooding and to ask that he make the necessary repairs. They have received no response.

How should my parents proceed? Will the city allow a plumber to access the property by forcing the door? Any other ideas?

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  1. Thanks all for the tips!

    I was really hoping that they would not have to resort to an attorney — much expense and hassle for all. We will try 311 first.

  2. if you can’t get satisfaction from the neighbor, call 311 and file a complaint. it will be investigated, no one has to break in.

  3. If you’re having trouble reaching the owners and days/weeks have passed, time to get a lawyer, call in favors, definitely document EVERYTHING.

  4. “It’s my understanding that DOB cannot enter unless invited in.”

    Thus confirms my hypothesis that the DOB are blood sucking vampires.

  5. It’s my understanding that DOB cannot enter unless invited in. Never a good thing to do on your own property.

  6. Sorry, I read your post really poorly. If you are getting no response from the owner, start memorializing the problem in letters to the owner, keep a log, keep records, and call DOB to complain. I don’t think DOB will break in, however.

  7. If you suspect a water leak from plumbing, City can come in and shut the water off. This happened while the flipper we bought from was still “renovating” our house (long before closing,but that’s another story). Pipes froze and burst and next door neighbors called 311. FDNY broke down door and shut the water off. Do your parents hear any running water?