Does anyone have any idea how long a C of O take on new construction house? is there anything that the developer/architect can do to speed things up?

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  1. you may want to think about having the developer put funds in escrow if the C of O doesn’t happen by x date. Got burned with a Temp C of O that the buildings department is not even close thinking about converting to a permanent C of O because of egregious code violations by the builder. Check to DOB website too – they have a big warning about this. I know my scenario was a worst case scenario but now stuck in a building that i can’t sell my unit because we don’t have a c of o. An escrow contingency wouldn’t have helped me out of this situation but it’s just a thought.

  2. its completely impossible to tell and the DOB wont react to any squeeky wheels. I worked on a project and we had scheduled six months to get the final C of O it took a year. you should get the temporary C of O much more quickly.