Does anyone know anything about the attack of a worker at the smoke shop on 5th ave btwn St. Marks and Warren in Park Slope that happened today. I’m concerned about the safety in my neighborhood and it seems that whenever anything violent/negative happens in Park Slope, details never make it to the news, keeping everyone in the neighborhood out of the loop as to what’s going on.

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  1. I live near this block. My neighbor and my son saw separate things that probably related to this on Friday afternoon, but not enough to tell a real story about what happened. My son was leaving the subway and saw two teenagers being arrested around the same time my neighbor reported seeing a guy that looked like he had been hit by a gang of teenagers. Lots of cops at both 5th ave/St. Marks and the subway in response.

    Another way to get info about neighborhood crimes is the monthly Police Prec. mtg. This is in the 78th, you can call them for a schedule.

  2. You can follow the local crimes in the Park Slope Courier’s ‘Police Blotter’, which reports every dognapping, hubbyslapping, and robcrapping.

  3. No I didn’t hear about it, but I had to comment because you are absolutely right, I rarely ever hear about crimes in Park Slope, shoot, I thought that was an oxymoron! But I am fed-up of hearing about crimes in East New York and BedStuy though, the media has no problem covering those stories. You’re right, I would want to know too. That’s the prob, a lot of people don’t ask questions, they just accept things.