Is there any ban on either razor wire or barbed wire on fences separating private property lines in Brooklyn? There is a church backyard abutting mine with rusted razor wire on a dividing fence, which is broken, and partly hanging down (instead of across the entire fence) and I’m wondering if they have any duty to maintain it or whether its allowed at all. I’ve asked them to repair it but so far they haven’t.

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  1. Putting up new wire is illegal.

    If you’re having a hard time communicating, you might want to take the “concern for safety”/”worried about your liability” angle.

    Razor wire can cause surprisingly serious injuries. There is a good, compassionate argument to be made that the church:

    1. Doesn’t want the moral hazard of razor wire (not very christlike)

    2. Can’t afford the liability for an injury due to the wire.

    If I were you, I would assume that the church is mostly volunteer-run and mostly broke, and offer help with removing the wire and repairing the fence if it means that much to you.

    You’ll get a strong relationship with your neighbor, a favor in your favor, and your problem solved.

  2. There’s a ban on new wire for most uses. Any ‘repair’ would really amount to the removal of the offending wire. At least that’s my understanding, but I may be wrong.