I’d checked in here a year or two ago in search of exterminator recommendations. Luckily, posters here are generous with their recommendations, but as it turned out, most of the guys didn’t even bother to call back, and I didn’t find any “keepers.” So I thought I’d try again.

Anyone have an exterminator that they consider competent, reliable, and reasonably priced?

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Thank you all very much! I think all of these are new recommendations for me, and I appreciate having several to call to compare. I’d love to find someone I like enough to stick with.

  2. Thank you all very much! I think all of these are new recommendations for me, and I appreciate having several to call to compare. I’d love to find someone I like enough to stick with.

  3. Thank you all very much! I think all of these are new recommendations for me, and I appreciate having several to call to compare. I’d love to find someone I like enough to stick with.

  4. AVP Termite
    718 967 9800
    Been using them for a few years now, and found them very knowledgeable and helpful and reliable. Even told us how to treat for carpenter bees without charging for the visit.

  5. 21 Century Pest Elimination is fantastic – fantastic. The guys are thorough and they give a 3 month, bug free guarantee. They also tell great stories about eliminating mice/bugs from the stars’ homes! Nice guys, great service.

    (212) 228-4186

  6. 21 Century Pest Elimination is fantastic – fantastic. The guys are thorough and they give a 3 month, bug free guarantee. They also tell great stories about eliminating mice from the stars’ homes! Nice guys, great service.

    (212) 228-4186

  7. We like Heaven Exterminating–ask for Leon. 917-509-6915

  8. You might want to try a call to a PS local: Bob’s Pest Control & Exterminating, 718-768-6430