Does anyone out there have a lawn that they only use organic material on? We just installed our sod about two weeks ago and I’ve been trying to find the best organic fertilizers, insecticides and weed killers. Is it worth it? I have young children who will be utilizing the lawn, so I’m concerned and would like to use products that will not be harmful to them. Does anyone use the regular stuff and have children?

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  1. FWIW, after we bought our house and I spent a couple years paying for a lawn service, but getting crabgrass anyway, I decided I could grow crabgrass myself without all those chemicals!

    So now I have an organic lawn. I use a series of products that I think make the whole thing work pretty well, now that I have developed a fondness for clover. There is this corn gluten stuff that you spread at the beginning of spring to inhibit germination of weeds. After a couple years of use, this actually seems to more or less work. I use “Plant Tone” fertilizer a couple times a year, and (this is important) I mow high, regularly, and leave the clipped grass on the lawn to mulch. (Just to complete the “green” scenario, I use an old-fashioned mower, so I am not polluting the air nor am I worrying about whether I need gas to mow the lawn.) I also reseed pretty regularly when it’s cooler in the spring and fall.

    I do have a lot of clover, which actually pulls nitrogen into the soil and so in the long run is supposedly improving it. I notice my lawn stays greener at this time of summer than many of my neighbors and I don’t have to water it as much. If my composter ever produces compost, I’ll spread some of that around too!

    Last note, I am thinking next year I will order some nemotodes. I am noticing an uptick in Japanese beetles.

    Good luck.