A month ago or thereabouts someone was walking into my house every minute or so and spraying long, nonsense, diatribes all over my walls. It totally ruined my place. People said I should do something about it but then it stopped and I figured, “okay, no need to follow their advice”. Now it’s started to happen all over again. Should I have listened to peoples’ ideas for preventing this? Should I do something about it now? By the way, I depend on my place for my livelihood and it was just written up in a prominent magazine.

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  1. “I find the identities annoying – I want to read (and post) information that stands on its own and isn’t connected to a personality, a name, or that person’s previous history of posts….I like information, analysis, and opinion for its own sake, not based on the who the poster is (or is pretending to be – which is all you can really say for an anonymous login anyway.) ”

    EXACTLY. I feel the same way. Especially about those silly conversations between Dave and Biff. I just skip over those. Other blogs have figured all this out without logins, so figure it out here.

  2. “the posts by the people who log in are the most useless most annoying posts in my opinion”

    That’s right – For the most part these are the people who want attention, have something to say about everything, and want YOU to know who they are. They are tiresome but they keep it within the bounds of reasonable behavior.

    A lot of the rest of us are killing time, are often put off the sheer mean-spiritidness of most of the anonymous posters. Sometimes we post.

    A few are pedantic morons like the What, the faded type spammer, the 3,000 word spammer.

    Take it or leave it.

  3. dave are you six years old. you blame your inability to express yourself civilly upon someone else? take responsibility for your own actions and for dragging this board through the gutter.

  4. I agree Bob…although its fun to berated the lazy faded grey type guests whether anyone logs in or not is not the issue of controlling the spam. That said, I don’t understand why people say they are unable to login or have trouble doing so.

  5. Even though I always log in, I don’t think that requiring registration is the answer. Perhaps a combination of filters and a quick finger on the delete button would be enough.

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