I’ve been considering moving to a condo on Pacific between Nostrand and Bedford and I love everything about it… except the homeless shelter down the block at Atlantic and Bedfordn Aves. Does anyone have any info on crime in the area surrounding this shelter? I read in a blog that there is talk that it could be converted into a community center of sorts, anyone know if this is in the works?
Thanks in advance

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  1. I’m kinda late in replying but, I lived for a year on the armory block. I never had any problems short of the smell of piss, noisy neighbors and even louder cars (spillover from those who don’t want to take Atlantic). Oh, and two man patrols along my street were a regular sight.

    Then, a week after I moved out, my building was burglarized and supposedly, one tenant had a knife held to her throat. She subsequently moved out and the landlord increased security measures (i.e. better locks on the doors, closing rooftop access).

    As a woman, I was always hyperconscious of the two male shelters on my street but honestly, these dudes were mostly too down and out to bother anyone. (I’d get hollered at/harassed by regular dudes who had homes.)

    My recommendation: live in the area if you have street sense about you and if you don’t scare easily. Good luck.

  2. Only suggestion is that you should only purchase where you will be comfortable. It doesn’t make any sense to spend all that money buying an apt in a neighborhood you don’t feel safe in regardless if your concerns for safety are actually founded.

  3. So, may I ask if you decided to buy the condo? Because I’m in the process of purchasing on the same block as you and now I’m rethinking it. I’m a young woman myself and dealing with that area scares the hell out of me. And now with the city shutting the Manhatta shelter down and transfering thhe residents to this shelter I’m even more concerned. Any thoughts?

  4. I have lived in the general area for several years and, to be honest, I don’t really like walking by the shelter by myself (I am a woman), especially at night. However, this is an atmospheric thing, on the occasions when I have walked by, and the many occasions I’ve ridden my bike up Bedford, I’ve never had anyone harass me. Moreover, my avoidance has always been limited to the particular corner of Bedford and Atlantic, I don’t think there is much spillover into the rest of the vicinity — I usually see the guys from the shelter hanging out on the steps or the sidewalk right in front of the entrance. I lived on Dean Street and often would take the A to Nostrand Avenue and walk west on Dean to get home, sometimes at 11 pm, and never experienced a problem.

    That said, the shelter does have a reputation as a dangerous place for homeless men to stay, so I wouldn’t argue that all of its residents are harmless. It’s just that you could easily avoid interacting with any of them.

  5. As a young woman myself, I understand your concerns and had the same ones myself before i decided to take the plunge. I pass by the armory on a regular basis and -i have not been harassed by the homeless guys– They mostly keep to themselves. That said, I would generally avoid walking around there at night (although you should note there is a 24 hour gas station across the street which is well lit and always manned). You are more likely to be harassed by young punks than by the homeless guys.

    I agree with some of the other commenters–there is a visual sadness to the place–especially because it is so beautiful and so much of the space is wasted (I believe the shelter only takes up a fraction of the overall space) and/or unavailable for use. I think it would be wonderful to convert a portion of the space to a recreation center or something else the community could use. There has been a lot of talk about it and I do believe it is just a matter of time before the community demands it.

    Overall-i think an investment in the area is a good one. There are restaurants, cafe’s and shops starting to sprout up and in a couple of years-the area will probably no longer be affordable. I have seen this same phenomenon happen in Park slope-specifically near 4th Avenue-there was a time when that area was sketchy but its now hailed as the park avenue of Brooklyn.

    so all and all- ihope to see ya at the community Board meeting!

  6. I went to a precinct meeting and people who lived near the shelter felt that aside from the visual sadness, the shelter people were harmless. They thought it was the teenagers that present the largest problem with crime in that area.

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