I purchased my dryer (it’s a Kenmore) in August, but just started using it last month and it has never gotten hot…I mean it drys clothes…eventually, but it takes over an hour. Does anyone have any idea(s) as to what is preventing the dryer from getting hot. Thanks!!

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  1. My gas dryer won’t heat up if there’s a foreign object touching the gas pipe inside the dryer. So, I have to be very careful with how the vent hose is connected. It, or anything else can’t touch the gas pipe. It’s a smart default actually.

  2. 3:09 pm…it’s still under warranty. You’re right…I should have called earlier, but it seems that I only remember that it doesn’t get hot,only when I have to use it which is usually when I get home from work. I’ll try calling tonight maybe they have people who answer the phone at that time. Thanks.

  3. We got a Kenmore and had a different problem (wouldn’t stay on). Yours should still be under warranty, and there’s a Sear’s repair number on the dryer door, usually. They come quite quickly, in my experience, and the repairman actually fixed it. It turned out our contractor, who had properly vented it to the outside, had for some reason left a screen over the end of pipe outside, so the lint was staying there and it made it too hot. But the repairman should be able to diagnose the problem pretty quickly, and it’s free.

  4. Well, if you have a gas dryer, the way it gets hot is from the heat of burning gas. Check the owners manual and see how the gas is ignited – that could be your problem, especially if it has NEVER gotten hot. The fact that you have a gas boiler that works does not mean your dryer doesn’t have a pilot light.