Hey everyone,

My wife and I are about to purchase a brownstone in Ft. Greene, and are going to install a security system. Does anyone have any recommendations or suggestions? Was thinking it would be good to have cameras installed at the front doors as well as the back yard and roof.


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  1. I totally disagree about not using central alarm company. I’ve been using Protection One during the construction phase of my renovation and have been very impressed. I had two break ins during the 9 months that we’ve been under construction and once the alarm went off the intruders left, not taking anything. I consider that a great deal given how often construction sites get burgled. I didn’t plan on keeping the system up and running after move in when I first bought the system but I’m now a convert.

  2. alarm companies are sort of a scam- they just call the cops for you, and they mostly just generate false alarms. which, of course, take up police time and cost the alarm company $0. i heard david cay johnston of the nyt saying that it turned out the LAPD was spending more on responding to false alarms from these systems than homicides.

  3. True, 6:13. Don’t get a dog only for security. Get one if you plan on loving it and caring for it properly. Dogs are people too… 🙂

  4. Do not get a dog if all you want is security. It’s not like getting a cat for mice–Dogs are much more owner-centric, and require a lot of love and attention. They are sentient creatures–messing up with a dog is messing up a whole life.

    In addition to my enormous dog, I have security system stickers on all my first-floor windows and doors. For me, it’s all about deterrence.

  5. 9:27 is right. Alarms will alert you to the possibility someone is attempting to enter our home, and provide a discount on your homeowners policy. However alarms and cameras typically will not prevent a break-in. Cameras will provide evidence but you will never identify the perpetrator, and if they are installed with a view of the street, the recorder may be seized as evidence in crimes you are not involved in. However that said it can provide piece of mind and act as a bit of a deterrent. Never lease a system. The only person making out on that deal is the alarm company. Stay away from ADT, Slomins, and their ilk. They will gouge you on the monthly monitoring fee and you get what you pay for with that free system. Feel free to email me for more info ejohnjoyceathotmail.