Can anyone give me a rough estimate of the cost of extending my kitchen back 4 feet–so a 9′ x 4′ addition?

Can anyone recommend someone to do this work in conjunction with renovating the kitchen?


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  1. I would say $30K is low, especially if access to back yard is only through the house. I imagine the excavation for the footings alone could run upwards of $7-8K. I woudl say you’re looking at closer to $40K if not more. Of course 2:48 is absolutely correct that it will all depend on level of finish, type of construction, extent of plumbing and electrical work, etc….

  2. these type of “how much does it cost to…” questions get asked all the time, and there really isn’t a specific answer. You say you want to build a 9×4 foot extension. What does that include? New plumbing? new Electrical work? what sort of wall in back? How big of a window, if any? what type of flooring and roofing? new sink/appliances? Wood frame or brick house? What needs to happen to the existing back wall? All these and more need answers before you can have anything approaching a real answer. Even a contract who knows exactly how much everything costs can’t tell you how much it will be until you tell them exactly what you want. As a rough estimate, I don’t think it will cost any less than $30K, but I could be way off….

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