When someone anonymously posts 4 or 5 items trashing a particular service provider (as in the case of a recent architect–or non-architect, depending on who you believe), it smells very fishy to us. As we’ve said numerous times, we’ll give the benefit of the doubt to registered users but not to anonymous commenters. Being a registered user does not mean showing your real name to the rest of the world, but it does mean having a real email address on file with us so, if we are inclined, we can send you an email to follow up on a negative post. We have no legal obligation to do so, but when particularly harsh things are said, we like to be able to try to verify. Alternatively, if you are going to damage someone’s reputation anonymously, try sending us an email beforehand with specifics to give us a reason to trust your opinion.
Mr. B

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  1. to check if someone is or is not a liscenced architect, Alex Fradkoff or anyone else, check the website below.

    This should answer all questions here definitively, without anyone identifying themselves and risking retribution. This verification has been provided before, Mr. B, why are you ignoring, (and deleting) it?

  2. Thank you for posting this. It has been very obnoxious watching ‘guest’ hog up valuable blog time.

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