Last week on the Forum, a reader asked for photos of ways people have hidden their Mr. Slim units. They are extremely effective but extremely ugly, so here’s what we did. Our contractor just bought some cheap, off-the-rack composite grating from the hardware store and built these panels. The key is giving the units enough vertical room in the box. Make sure there’s a good 4 or 5 inches of clearance between the bottom of the unit and the box–otherwise the cold air will won’t be able to get out well enough.
Diguising Mr. Slim – pics anyone? [Forum]


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  1. We put in Mr Slims (6 wall units, 3 exterior compressors) and they are not so bad looking. Attempting to hide them paradoxically calls more attention to them.

    They sure work well, though. So quiet, so cool.

  2. I don’t want to start the infamous “red couch” argument but I find it a little ironic that someone who has such a lot to say about developers and aesthetics has the guts to put this up on their web site and admit to ownership of it…

  3. That’s probably true. In a couple of the biggest spaces in the house, we have just taken the panels off during July and August and it definitely works better that way. They are just so friggin’ ugly though!

  4. Thanks for the image.

    I’d be concerned that the intake and output air streams will mix as i don’t see any separation unless it’s within the box.As I recall, the intake grill is at the top and the outlet at the bottom? And if they do mix, it will seriously compromise the cooling efficiency.

  5. Wow that looks huge, what size is it (the height and width) also whats the BTU? Did you look at the Art Cool also? The disguise looks pretty good, not sure we have room for something that large. Is it true that you can only install these in the back of the house because of the drainage? I was told by a plumber that even though Mr. Slim claims the drainage is small, its not. Thanks!

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